Academic Honor Council Information for Students


Academic Honor Council

The highly collaborative council consists of 40+ diverse faculty and student members who engage in inclusive and interactive outreach programming, unbiased adjudication process, and restorative educational sanctioning practices for students who violate the SMC Academic Honor Code.  The council creates and maintains a campus climate in which academic integrity and responsible research practices are fostered and embraced.

By agreeing to be a student at SMC, you are committing to abide by the College's Academic Honor Code. To view the full Honor Code, see the student handbook click here.

The Academic Honor Code Pledge

This pledge gives you an explicit opportunity to make a commitment to uphold the high academic standards expected of students, faculty, and staff here at SMC.

As a member of an academic community based in mutual trust and responsibility, I, pledge:

  • to do my own work at all times, without giving or receiving inappropriate aid;
  • to avoid behaviors that unfairly impede the academic progress of other members of my community; and to take reasonable and responsible action in order to uphold my community's academic integrity.


How To Support the Academic Honor Code

  • Ask your instructors about the academic honor code on the first day of every class.
  • When in doubt, ask your instructors about the academic honor code in conjunction with every assignment that is questionable.
  • Demand clear explanations of plagiarism, proper citation, and appropriate collaboration.
  • Attend public events held by the Academic Honor Council, and encourage your peers to attend 
  • When you are found in violation of the Academic Honor Code, follow the procedures (see Academic Honor Council FAQs).
  • Model appropriate behaviors.
  • Cite sources in your papers.
  • Don't copy from another student, no matter how tempted you are.  It is not worth the risk, you can receive an XF grade, even if you've completed an entire semester!
  • Do not tolerate cheating among your peers.   It not only isn't fair to you, but it devalues your SMC diploma.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to integrity.

For more information, please contact: